Managing the communication process

Communication process management tasks in the mobile and cellular communication systems consist in ensuring an optimal distribution of the radio-channel resources between subscribers and base station in such a way that requested services can be rendered. In view of relative novelty and complexity of such tasks the International Telecommunication Union in its recommendations did not provide so far any precise instructions how exactly they should be solved. Various options are proposed as possible approaches. As a rule those are procedures of the Round-the- Robin type (a search up to the first resource’s fragment that satisfy the request) etc. In the GOST R 58166-2018 system thanks to the use of adaptive antennas, relatively accurate data are available concerning the mutual position of subscribers and the mutual influence level. Based on this, a restriction/possible conflict graph is drawn for the operation in the radio-channel joint resource and the method of correct coloring of vertexes of this graph is applied. As a result, maximally- tight conflict-free schedules are drawn for the distribution of the radio-channel frequency-time resource. Since the spatial selection is also taken into account when drawing the schedules then adaptive antenna are used in their new capacity:  a tool in the queuing system. For short-distance communications the GOST R 58166-2018 system provides the mode of direct connections between subscriber terminals without using the core network of base stations. Sufficiently developed is the service of organizing the group calls and the group management by the dispatcher that includes also the option of using handover by designated subscribers of the group. For voice connections and short-message transmission a special mode is available that takes off the “heavy” TCP/IP envelop of the frames prior to their sending in the air and reduces thereby the consumption of the radio-channel resource by a factor of 3.5. Concentrators are implemented for M3M services to assemble collected data into a single packet translated within one frame. All this provides enough flexibility and variability in the GOST R 58166-2018 network operation and makes it attractive for its use in different conditions and for solution of a wide scope of tasks.  
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