
The radio-channel communication quality monitoring system is an integral part of organizing the operation of queuing systems.   A discrete scale of the CQI index is used to describe the quality. This index is firmly connected to the signal-to-noise level observed in channels. The GOST R 58166-2018 system uses a CQI scale extended in comparison to that used in other mobile communication systems because such a scale is required to support the control of the spectrum expansion index defined by the Loading Factor parameter. The adaptive tracking of subscribers by the antenna pattern beams allowed for a considerable increase the quality of subscribers’ location determination and of the direction and the speed of their movement. These characteristics are used in the GOST R 58166-2018 system to predict overloads at local areas of subscribers’ concentration which can be avoided at the level of the subsystem of an adaptive repeaters’ reconnection and by correcting the coverage areas of service channels through antenna system. The GOST R 58166-2018 system monitors also the angular approach of individual subscribers and, if necessary, turns on or off the radio resource re-distribution mode so that conflicts can be avoided in the conditions when the spatial selection becomes impossible. The operation results showed that with this control organization the efficiency of radio channel resource usage can be increased by a factor of 2…2.5 compared to the stationary three-sector site structure employed in the networks of 2G-4G generations.
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