Adaptation to movement

Monitoring of the movement of subscribes plays an important role in mobile communication systems. In cellular networks using stationary base-station antennas that have a quite wide antenna pattern the evaluation of subscribers’ position can be rather complicated. The results are highly inaccurate. The GOST R 58166-2018 system provides an adaptive processing of radio signals of individual subscribers in multi-element base-station antennas.  It made it possible to implement the known DOA algorithms for accessing the direction of arriving radio signals and thus to increase the quality of location identification by an order of magnitude. A high speed of acquisition of these assessments contributes to the implementation of angular and path-related tracking of movements. Due to the use of RANGE signals the assessment accuracy of distances to subscribers is maintained within 50 m. Compilation of radio shadowing maps is used for the handover mode with warning. The GOST R 58166-2018 system supports also a monitoring of stream intensity and of incoming and outgoing subscribers’ registrations that makes it possible to predict a possible overload and to take steps to prevent it. The operation in the TDD mode allows the GOST R 58166-2018 system to carry out the adaptive processing exclusively on the base-station antennas and to use the results obtained both on uplinks and downlinks.
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