System organization

Mobile communication networks are systems with distributed control operating under the conditions of a limited resource. That is why one of the key tasks is to organize non-conflicting schedules and rules for the resource distribution both among the users and the base stations. But due to the novelty of the problem and its insufficient investigation the international standards do not set until now rigid rules with respect of standards and algorithms for resource distribution. So far it is proposed to use or not to use some options and approaches for solving this problem.

1) In order to implement a non-conflicting resource distribution the McWiLL network uses the method of correct coloring of vertexes of the possible conflicts’ graph so that maximally dense or close to maximally dense schedules can be drafted. Such an approach is unique and ensures certain advantages over the known systems of cellular and special communication.

2) The McWiLL network supports the direct connection mode between the subscriber terminals allowing voice exchange if subscribers are close enough to each other. Since no connection is required to the core base-station network in such an arrangement, this enables the economy of the radio channel resource and provide communications in the areas that are no covered by base stations.

3) One of the main peculiarities of the enterprise/industry radio communication systems and special purpose systems is the need to provide the group call service. The McWiLL network supports a wide range of possibilities within the group calling service.  It includes the possibility of flexible management of the group composition, provides simultaneous membership in several groups and allows the movement of subscribers of the group between cells while operating actively within the group.

4) A special short-message exchange protocol is supported in the McWiLL network, it involves a possible removal of the “heavy” envelop of the TCP/IP frames up to the moment of their translation over the radio channel. The contact is established at the level of MAC addresses. Thereby the consumption of the radio channel resource can be reduced  in the short-message transmission mode up to 1/3 of that of the LTE standard.
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