Radio communication network planning

Mobile radio-communication network planning is always based on solving two problems: to ensure the coverage and to provide the capacity (throughput). At the transitions from one mobile telecommunication network generation to another a shift can be clearly seen from the static distribution of certain resources to the dynamic one. So, when moving from 1G to 2G, a dynamic management of the time resource of the radio channel was introduced, when moving from 2G to 3G, a dynamic management of the common resource of the system radio channel was introduces at each base station, and, when moving from 3G to 4G, a dynamic management was applied to the resource connected with the multipath propagation of radio signals. In the McWiLL system, the use of adaptive antenna technologies has actually led to the introduction of the dynamic management mode for the coverage of individual cells thereby opening the stage of active implementation of the resources related to the spatial structure of the network.
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