
Monitoring of radio communication quality is a key procedure in organizing the cellular networks’ and mobile networks’ operation. The use of the CQI scale is considered as a standard process to analyze the current status of the communication quality. It establishes a gradation and relation between physical indices and applied technology. The McWiLL mobile communication system has an extended monitoring function because, on the one hand, it supports precision methods for tuning the spectrum expansion coefficients of radio signals by means of Loading Factor parameter, and, on the other hand, it provides more “thin” slicing of subcarriers in comparison with the 4G network of the LTE and Wi-Fi standards. The TDD mode of the McWiLL operation allows monitoring of the radio link status both for transmission and reception at the same time. The implementation of the handover mode takes account of the interference situation, signal level and current loading of serving cell and neighboring cells. Prevention of local overloads in McWiLL is carried out by the extensive use of spatial selection algorithms implemented on the basis of adaptive antennas.
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