Within the next five years, the GOST R 58166-2018 technology will be the only fourth-generation (4G) technology of the professional trunking radio communications having no parallels in the world, ensuring the provision of traditional trunking radio communication services within a unified network, of advanced multimedia services for high-rate data transmission, positioning and dispatching, and offering the full scope of network equipment for network deployment and of user equipment.
The McWiLL technology was developed and is supported by the Xinwei group having the exhaustive package of international patents. The technology standard has been included in the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and is successfully employed and introduced in different countries. GOST R 58166-2018 is the only commercially mature modern technology developed especially for building a critically important telecommunication infrastructure.
GOST R 58166-2018 is a technology that is independent of western telecom vendors and currently undergoes the full localization in Russia In 2011, the Chinese Xinwei Group, a technological partner and one of the project’s shareholders who owns the exclusive international rights with respect of the GOST R 58166-2018 technology, entered into an agreement with NXTT on the 100% localization of this technology in the Russian Federation. Up to now, this agreement remains an unprecedented event and a unique historical fact in the relations between Russia and China.
From 2012 on, in the framework of the agreement with Xinwei, the Russian developers carry out an active exchange of experience with their Chinese colleagues and continue the process of creating scientific and manufacturing facilities in Russia. There were adapted more than 10,000 pages of technical documentation on GOST R 58166-2018: descriptions of protocols, detailed technical equipment specifications, signal structure specifications, coding algorithms, authentications and identifications, electric and functional diagrams, components’ specifications.
The research and development department of NXTT has replicated the air interface as well as the network level of GOST R 58166-2018, which made it possible to move over to the development of the first Russian chip for professional mobile radio communications.
Russian enterprises organized the manufacturing of subscriber equipment and antenna systems. Coming up next is the manufacturing of the network equipment and, in three years perspective, the development of the Russia’s own GOST R 58166-2018 chip.
In 2018, the McWiLL standard was adopted as a national standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 58166-2018).
In 2021, an agreement was signed between the participants of the GOST R 58166-2018 project on the creation of a Consortium for cooperation.
The agreement signed by:
• Non-profit organization «Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics»
• Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research University» Moscow Institute of Electronic Equipment»
• LLC «Plant «Etalon»
• Joint Stock Company «PKK Milandr»
• LLC «Research and Production Enterprise «Information and Radio Technologies»
• LLC «NIRIT-XINWEI Telecom Technology»
• LLC «Beliton»
• LLC «Kvatroplus»
• LLC «Lardex»
• LLC «Unisel»
• LLC «BIT-Centr»
• open joint stock company «ASVT»
The objectives of the Agreement are: implementation of an end-to-end project based on telecommunications technology (radio technology) of wireless broadband access of the 4G generation based on GOST R 58166-2018 (hereinafter – «McWiLL Radio Technologies»), which uses the Russian software and hardware platform, Russian telecommunications equipment and generates demand for final products of the radio-electronic industry on the basis of a unified technical policy.
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