The GOST R 58166-2018 Network provided the Moscow marathon


On September 18th in Moscow was held the largest sporting event of the year, the main marathon of the country, the most massive run of Russia - Moscow Running Marathon. More than 37 thousand people participated in the run on two distances 42.2 km and 10 km. Thanks to the use of the GOST R 58166-2018 broadband trunking radio communications which has regular supported mass sporting events in different Russian cities, operational communication and continuous interaction of all the services involved in the marathon were organized. The GOST R 58166-2018 equipment allowed organizers to coordinate not only the actions of participants, but also the movement of fans along the routes, quickly and smoothly respond to emergency situations.

More than 150 portable and stationary GOST R 58166-2018 radio stations were used during the event, automated workplace of dispatcher was organized for coordination of simultaneous work in 9 trunking groups. Active use of GOST R 58166-2018 radio network is confirmed by convincing statistics of traffic volume: with the average parameter of the duration of connections in the group call mode the total duration of negotiations amounted to more than 11 hours and all user groups were active at the same time.

To ensure the best quality of communication two GOST R 58166-2018 communication mobile complexes were additionally deployed on the basis of a minibus and a mobile trailer.

The Marathon organizers highly appreciated the quality and reliability of the GOST R 58166-2018 58166-2018 services and expressed their gratitude to the company specialists who were directly involved in the event.


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