GOST R 58166-2018 radio station has been granted the status of telecommunications equipment of Russian origin


An important event confirming the uniqueness and relevance of the GOST R 58166-2018 technology was the decision of the Interdepartmental Expert Council of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia on the basis of Order dated October 21, 2022, № 4436 on the assignment and confirmation of the status of telecommunications equipment of Russian origin (TERO) of the portable radio station RN-351-M1, produced in the territory of the Russian Federation by a partner enterprise included in the GOST R 58166-2018 Consortium (LLC «The Etalon» Factory» in Tver).

The decision was made in accordance with the Rules for the Formation and Maintenance of the Unified Register of Russian Radio-electronic Products, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2019, № 878 and based on the minutes of the meetings of the Interdepartmental Expert Council on Assigning the status of telecommunications Equipment of Russian Origin to telecommunications Equipment, Manufactured in the Territory of the Russian Federation dated August 23, 2022, № 7/2022 and dated September 14, 2022, № 8/2022, formed by the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated October 8, 2021, № 4043.

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