GOST R 58166-2018 in forestry


On 29.03.2022 LLC «Lardex» (the owner of the licenses for communication services provision in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal District) successfully held in Krasnoyarsk the demonstration of the mobile complex (GOST R 58166-2018) with high passability and rapid deployment for the needs of the Ministry of Forestry.

The mobile communication complex (MCC) based on the GOST R 58166-2018 professional broadband access technology allows for 30-40 minutes to deploy a fragment of wireless professional radio communication network in any passable territory, outside the coverage area of the operating radio networks and to provide all services of a full-scale network:

• trunking and telephone communication;

• photo and video transmission;

• telemetry and internet access;

• geo-positioning and dispatching.

The MCC can serve up to 500 subscribers and 20 trunking groups. Reliable radio coverage is provided within a radius of up to 20 km (in open terrain). The communication complex is equipped with a telescopic pneumatic mast raised by a compressor and a rapidly deployed antenna. In accordance with individual requirements the complex can be installed on the basis of any vehicle, trailer or transportable container; the design and equipment are easily scalable and adaptable to the situation. Access to the PSTN and access to the Internet is via satellite or any other available communication channels.

LLC «Lardex» has already had a positive experience in building and operating the MCC in the Siberian Federal District. The MCC usage project has been approved by the working group on development of scientific and educational potential in the interests of the agro-industrial complex (under the RF President Plenipotentiary Representative in SFD) and by the Expert Consultative Council of the Interregional Association of Economic Cooperation between the Subjects of the Russian Federation «Siberian Agreement» on Forestry and Renewable Natural Resources (Protocol A55-7275 of 21.11.2021). Currently, the project implementation is under the control of the RF President Plenipotentiary Representative in SFD.

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