
Special services

CS-OFDMA equipment helps to carry out in real time the collection and transmission of telemetric data, photo- and videodata from accident sites and emergency scenes.

Housing services and utilities

Wide range of the CS-OFDMA equipment modifications makes it possible to implement a full-fledged system for collection and transmission of data from water, heat, gas, electricity meters, from the sensors of security and fire prevention systems, lighting systems and other systems that are part of the housing services and utilities’ automation.

Electricity-distributing industry

CS-OFDMA modems provide the secure collection of the metering data, data from sensors as well as sending of control commands to execution units in cases of extraordinary situations, and support the remote access to photo- and videomonitoring systems.

Oil and gas industry

CS-OFDMA modems provide a real-time collection of data from the sensors installed at extraction points, processing facilities, storage facilities and raw material handling facilities, as well as send control commands to execution units in cases of extraordinary situations, and support the remote access to photo- and videomonitoring systems.


CS-OFDMA modems installed on public transportation vehicles ensure a secure transmission of the following information to the dispatcher service and the public-transportation control center.


CS-OFDMA modems installed on ATM/cash dispensers and payment terminals provide stable telecommunication channels to a processing center as well as guarantee the data transmission from the photo- and videomonitoring devices. The CS-OFDMA equipment mounted on cash-in-transit vehicles provides the voice communication with the dispatcher and other vehicles, the transmission of telemetric data on the vehicle status and location, and transfers data from videomonitoring cameras.
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